Practical Application of Eco2 Cities Initiative: Guide for Practitioners
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- Üst Kategori: ROOT
- Kategori: Ecological Cities
Brown Bag Lunch Series
September 12, 2011
This BBL introduced practical applications of the Eco2 Cities Initiative. Eco2Cities is a sustainable urban development initiative launched in 2009 as a part of the Bank’s Urban and Local Government Strategy. Its objective is to help cities in developing countries achieve greater ecological and economic sustainability in synergy. Eco2 Cities builds on the interdependence of ecological and economic sustainability. An integrated approach across sectors appears to overcome many barriers to urban sustainability and offers communities a path towards increased well-being for the short- and long-term. Pilot operations are ongoing in Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam.
Following an introduction by Hiroaki Suzuki of the Eco2 concept, including its four principles and implementation status, Ryoko Iizuka presented the Eco2Guide, which has been developed based on the Eco2 Book to help cities put the Eco2 concepts into practice on the ground. The 60-page Guide aims to stimulate the transformation of city governance around the cornerstone of leadership and collaboration for planning integrated urban development. The Guide is divided into two parts: Part I - Fundamentals of Eco2, which includes self assessment based on the four Eco2 principles, and Part II - Practical Elements of Eco2, which is further divided into three sections including Eco2 Leadership, Eco2 Planning, and Supportive Environment. The Guide also refers to methods and tools and introduces cases and interviews with practitioners. The Guide is intended for city officials who have a critical role in deciding the development path and integrated urban planning of the city. Eco2 Cities: Concept, Implementation and Final Agenda (pdf 1,501k)
Hiroaki Suzuki, Lead Urban Specialist and Eco2 Team Leader, World Bank
Eco2 Cities Guide (pdf 419k)
Ryoko Iizuka, Consultant, World Bank