• "Environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented."

  • "When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe."

  • "What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”

  • "I can find God in nature, in animals, in birds and the environment."

  • "We won't have a society if we destroy the environment."

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Ecology for KidsThe Kids Ecology Corps is Kid Power!

You Can Change the World!

Do you know that you can change the world? The Kids Ecology Corps is about your using what we call Kid Power to make change.

If you want to make changes, you have to make a commitment. Making a commitment means sticking to something until it is done. It also means that you have made a decision. If you make good decisions, the changes you make will be good changes.

If you want to change something that is too big for you to change by yourself, you have to work with other people.

What happens if you and your friends and a lot of other people believe the same thing? What happens when everyone who believes the same thing works together? They become what is called a critical mass. They can put lots of energy into making a change. When they make a commitment to work together, they can make big changes. Sometimes the changes are so big that the whole world changes.

We call the whole world the global community. The global community is you, your family and friends, your community, your state, the United States, and all the people and nations of the earth.

When the United States Congress makes a law about the environment, other people around the world pay attention. Sometimes, the laws in the United States change the way other countries do things.


The Ecology of Cities

By Stan Rowe Published in The Structurist No. 39/40: pp.17-24. 1999/2000. Address of The Structurist is: P.O. Box 378, RPO University, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 4J8 Canada. The editor is Eli Bornstein.

Urban EcologyCities are the rich nodes of civilization, the centers of every nation's culture, its commerce, arts, and sciences, which explains why so much attention is focused on their forms, their structures, and their internal functions.  Much less attention has been paid to outer ties, relating the city ecologically to its larger geographic setting: the primary focus of this article.

Like coral reefs, cities are complex ecosystems: three-dimensional physical bodies, a close fusion of organic and inorganic components.  Analogous to individual organisms, each volumetric city ecosystem depends not only on internal exchanges but also on outside exchanges, relying on the latter for the provision of necessary energy/materials and for the disposal of unnecessary wastes.  The far-reaching effects of energy/material inputs and outputs constitute the ecology of these peculiar human-dominated ecosystems.

Confusion results when the inner functionings of cities, their physiology, is mislabelled their ecology.  An example is the book, "The Ecological City" a collection of essays that largely deals with internal improvements of urban settlements by designing into them more of the undomesticated world.1  True, an inner ecology does exist in every urban setting, but it is not the ecology of the city; it is the ecology of people, the connections between inhabitants and the city ecosystem that envelops them.

At the ecology-of-cities level, within Earth's regions, problems are much less tractable than at the ecology-of-people level, within cities.  Uncritically mixing the two dissimilar levels fosters an unwarranted optimism about solving city problems.  Babylon and Tikal are reminders that city planning and city beautification are no hedge against the dangers of peripheral influences, especially those rendered virulent by neglect.

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The Only School Having Ecology Courses in Türkiye

Doga College - Türkiye

The Only School Having Ecology Courses in Türkiye

Ecology Courses that are applied in Doğa Schools also enhance the awareness of nature. Ecological production not only requires receiving the crop while working on the soil but also the richness of the soil takes us to other agricultural productions. On one hand students could be watering the fields and on the other hand they would be picking up the products to make a tomato paste, fruit jam or cut some noodles. Our students also learn to make yoghurt, buttermilk with the milk that they have milked from the cows and sheep which live in our barns. Doğa students can eat and also take home their own made products while we usually consume already produced products from supermarkets in school.
Doga College - Türkiye

History of Doğa Schools

Founded by Fethi Şimşek, Doğa Schools started its educational journey in 2002 with Beykoz Campus, Doğa Schools currently have 12 campuses from kindergarten to high school and 6 exclusive kindergartens in Istanbul and 12 campuses located throughout Turkey; namely Bursa, Ankara, Denizli, Sakarya, Diyarbakır, Batman, Aydın, Antalya, Sanlıurfa, Malatya, Çorlu and Mersin. The number of students has increased to 15000 since 2002 with 1500 staf.

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An experimental framework for ecosystem capital accounting in Europe

Ecosystems such as forests, wetlands and rivers as well as pastures or cropland supply basic goods and services. These include food, fibre, energy, clean water, temperature control and flood regulation, which are critical for people's wellbeing. However, the value of ecosystems is only accounted for in the economy when they provide monetary profits.  Other ecosystem services of common value are simply ignored, thus fostering their depletion and environmental degradation.

Responding to an increasing demand to assess the whole interaction between ecosystems and the economy, the European Environment Agency (EEA)  has created 'An experimental framework for ecosystem capital accounting in Europe'. The initiative is part of a process which aims to supplement the UN System of National Accounts with information on the environment and natural capital.

European Environment Agency (EEA)

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